High school students who have participated in the Power to be Positive community program.

During October the Power Community Limited team coordinated the Power to be Positive Leadership Event at Adelaide Oval.

This event was an extension of the school program during the year and was only for selected High School students.

The day started off with the students talking about leadership and values by reflecting on their own ways of leadership and what values are important to them. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions imposed on AFL players due to COVID-19 there were no players able to attend the event but the students were instead able to watch a video from Travis Boak and Ollie Wines talking about what values are important to them and how young people of today can lead by example.

After the first session, past player Alipate Carlile along with club legend Russell Ebert facilitated an AFL skills session which was great for the students as more than half were originally from interstate and not very familiar with AFL.

The students were also fortunate enough to be involved in a session facilitated by the football clubs mindset coach Dave Steventon. Dave talked about the importance of having a growth mindset and the impact that mindfulness can have in our lives. The students really loved this part of the day, hearing stories of the players and also learning more about resilience and what the word really means.

At the conclusion of the day, the students were asked to write down one thing they learnt. Here are a few examples:

“You can grow and improve your resilience.”

“Failure is just feedback, learn and grow from it.”

“To have a growth mindset and don’t worry about the past, work towards the future.”

“The importance of being resilient and how to do it. It was good to chat about mindfulness and now I really understand it and can do it properly.”

The event was the final Power to be Positive school session of the year. Power Community Limited will coordinate a Defence Force Family Christmas event in December to finish off the year.

PCL would like to thank Defence Community Organisation for its support throughout the year and for the success of the program.