The following statement is from Port Adelaide chief executive Keith Thomas in relation to the State Government’s announcement of the introduction of a Public Transport Levy:

“The Port Adelaide Football Club was advised yesterday by the State Government that a transport levy on all events with over 5000 patrons would be introduced in 2015.

“We are pleased to announce that we will not be passing this levy on to our Members in 2015. As a club, we will absorb the extra costs ourselves.

“Our first year at Adelaide Oval has taught us many things including that the cost of playing footy at Adelaide Oval and the cost of going to the footy at Adelaide Oval is higher than it was at AAMI Stadium which is understandable given the city location and the world class facilities on offer.

“This increase in costs will lead to an increase in the price of our 2015 Memberships which was already planned prior to the transport levy, and these packages will be released in the coming days.

“The great news is that even allowing for the increase in our Membership packages next year Port Adelaide will still have the best value reserved seat memberships in the AFL.

“As a principle we are committed to keeping our Membership as affordable as possible and we are proud to be able to continue providing great value to our loyal Members in 2015.”