HAMISH Hartlett will do anything for a cap. 

Especially a vintage 1998-model Port Adelaide hat. 

This hat: 

On his 'AMA' on Reddit's AFL channel, Hartlett told footy fans the legendary tale of how he pleaded with a Port fanatic to get his cap.

"I had a mate who had this hat, and I said to him, 'I need to find one of these,' but he wasn't gonna give it to me," Hartlett told Reddit AFL.

"But I was driving down Port Road and it was in a car just ahead of me, facing me out the back windshield.

"So I followed this car and into Bunnings and I parked next to this person. 

"This old bloke got out his car and I said to him, "Mate, where did you get that hat?" 

"I think I then said, "I need to have it."'

Clearly the 'old bloke' is a genuine top bloke, who despite the significant sentimental value he held for the hat, could see how much this modern-day fan favourite wanted it.

"He said it was the hat of one of his old Port mates who had passed away," Hartlett explained.

"I asked him if I could buy it off him or trade something for it. He said not to worry about payment and insisted I have it for nothing.

"I signed a training shirt for him and gave it to him. That hat is still one of my most prized possessions today."

In the same way as the old Port supporter gave the cap to him, Hamish is keen to turn the Port hat into a club tradition. 

"I want to make a tradition of it. When I retire, I want to hand it down to one of the boys."

In true nineties AFL spirit - we'd like to see that!