THE Port Adelaide playing squad will head to Wingard territory - Murray Bridge - in February for the club’s annual Australia Post AFL Community Camp.

The camp, to be held in early February will visit almost 50 community groups over two days.

Port Adelaide’s senior programs manager Ross Wait expects the 2016 community camp to be the Power’s largest in recent times, with an estimated reach of approximately 10,000 people.

All 44 players and several senior coaching staff will deliver healthy eating, positive lifestyle and decision-making talks to primary school students, and leadership and respectful lifestyle talks to secondary students.

Players will also touch on what inspires them and how they stay motivated as AFL footballers.

Wait says the camps help to reinforce healthy lifestyle messages currently delivered by schools.

"Chad Wingard's home town is Murray Bridge, and I'm sure the local kids and community out there will love having a home grown hero bringing the club down to visit," Wait said.

“The players are role models and by going to schools they are inspiring students to be the best people they can be on the sporting field, at school and in their future."

Wait said wellbeing and resilience are the overarching themes of the camp.

“It’s important because these communities haven’t had the opportunity to connect with AFL players since our last community camp there in 2005 and it’s an opportunity for them to experience elite players delivering positive messages and connecting to them and the club,” Wait said.  

Port Adelaide will also host a ‘super clinic’ at the Imperial Football Club in Murray Bridge on Monday 8 December from 4.30pm.

Power players will attend the oval to deliver skill drills and other activities, as well as participate in a signing session.

The River Murray Football League will also coordinate a fundraising event with players in attendance.

The Power will also visit schools and community groups throughout the Adelaide Hills on the way to Murray Bridge.

The Australia Post AFL Community Camp will be held on Monday 8 February and Tuesday 9 February.

Follow the hashtag #aflcommunitycamp on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with all the action.

Port Adelaide’s 2016 Australia Post AFL Community Camp destinations
Verdun, Oakbank, Hahndorf, Littlehampton, Nairne, Birdwood, Mt Torrens, Aldgate, Jervois, Tailem Bend, Echunga, Maccesfield, Murray Bridge, Mannum, Myponga, Clarendon, Stirling, Karoonda, Coomandook, Coonalpyn, Cambrai, Palmer, Lobethal, Woodside, Lenswood, Uraidla, Crafers, Gumeracha, Kersbook, Meningie and Raukkan