CHRISTMAS is just eight days away, and to celebrate, made four big announcements.

Monday's first announcement was Travis Boak's new contract extension, which keeps him at Alberton until at least the end of the 2019 season. 

Tuesday's was the revelation that Robbie Gray will also stay at Port Adelaide beyond his 31st birthday.

Wednesday's was the news Erin Phillips will one day play for Port Adelaide as its first female footballer.

And Thursday's was the confirmation that Chad Wingard would wed himself to the Power for another three years.

Here's the clue for Thursday and the answer...

The Fourth Black, Teal and White Christmas Clue

Three announcements down, one more to come

Christmas is coming and our presents are nearly done.

Here's our final clue, a photo of the boys, 

Hope you enjoyed our Christmas gifts, in lieu of any toys...

Clue answer

This one was simple.

Chad Wingard isn't in this 2015 team photo.

We figured you'd think he was off signing his new contract...

We also threw up a bonus clue...

Given the hype around the new Star Wars film, we got all pop-culturey on Thursday morning and offered up a bonus clue in the hour before the announcement.

It's about as enjoyable to look at as a Star Wars film featuring Jar Jar Binks...

Yikes! Is that a Crows's flag?

Don't worry reader, we haven't gone crazy.

This is actually the flag of a reasonably-sized nation in the centre of Africa.

The country's name?


All the clues and answers

Clue 1

Clue 2

Clue 3