FOR the very first time, readers of Geez It’s Been Worth It will be invited into the heart, head, and home of the legendary Russell Ebert.

Late in Ebert’s battle with leukemia, his grandson Albert began interviewing his grandfather on his remarkable life. It was this act that inspired what is now a limited-edition, 29-chapter book filled cover-to-cover with untold stories of Russell’s life.

A combination of Albert’s interviews, underpinned with excerpts of journal entries pulled from his personal notebooks, Geez It’s Been Worth It takes readers inside Russell’s life as a father, husband, philanthropist, and athlete.

Written in first person, readers will work their way through captivating chapters detailing anecdotes from Russell’s experience at high school, through to his outstanding playing and coaching career, his infamous ‘sacking’, and of course his incredible community work and fundraising efforts.

The book culminates in his wife Di, and each of Russell’s children writing a touching chapter on their husband and father, and what it was like to be married to and raised by the legendary Russell Ebert.

You can get your hands on a limited edition copy at the Port Store at Alberton, or online here.

The official book launch is at The Precinct at Alberton on Thursday 17 November, 6.30pm. Hosted by Tim Ginever, you'll have a chance to hear from authors Ben and Albert Ebert, purchase a limited edition copy and have it signed. Please RSVP by emailing indicating your desire to attend as soon as possible to secure your place.